Monday, April 19, 2010

Tate is one tomorrow!

Where did the year go? I can't believe a year ago today, Ben and I were walking all over Emporia trying to enduce labor! After three miles, a short break, three more miles and two shots of castor oil...labor did start! I remember praying that Ben would be with me when I needed to go to the hospital...I am so glad he was! We arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm and Baby Tate arrived the following morning. We were so lucky to have had all of the support we had during this time. My mom was staying with us and we didn't have to worry about what to do with Peyton. Ben's mom came and stayed with me during Tate's first night at "home" and throughout our first week with Tate in Emporia. The events that happened right after having Tate were such a whirlwind...I would never have imagined I would be hauling my innocent little baby to Applebees when he was five days old so we could show our house. I never thought I would haul him to Maryville so I could interview for a new job or that I would pack up our entire house and move all of the contents to storage and live with my parents when he was less than two weeks old. I never thought I would have to live without my husband during the first two months of Tate's life...but somehow, we survived it all!

Despite all of the crazy...Tate has had a great first year...he is a very happy and loving little guy who has learned to go with the flow and be content wherever he is. He recently had tubes put in his ears and seems back to his happy little self. I am still in awe of the doctor who put the tubes in Tate's ears in less than six minutes. I worried and worried about the procedure and it was over before I knew it!

Overall, I am still feeling so blessed to have two beautiful little boys in my life. Peyton and Tate are two of the best things that have ever happened to me. I cannot wait to continue to watch them grow up and play together. This summer is sure to be a blast!

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