Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don't hurt my brother!

Yesterday after school, I had to take Tate to his well-baby check up. He checked out great and the doctor saw his snazzy blue tubes in his ears. His ears looked the best they have ever looked.. I am so thankful that we had the tubes put in! Tate's weight (24 pounds) was in the 70th percentile...his height (30.5 inches) was in the 75th percentile and his head circumference (19.5 inches) was in the 90th percentile. (I think both of my boys have their Daddy's head). I was actually surprised that Tate had fallen out of the 90-95th percentiles for the weight/height...all of his moving has helped him slim down a little! :)

After our check up, Tate had to have shots. He had to have four...two in each leg. Poor Peyton watched it all and stood back, cried, and said, "Don't hurt my brother." I had to comfort both boys after the shots were over. The nurses were so kind...both boys got stickers, suckers, ice cream certificates, and they blew bubbles to help calm everyone down. Peyton will have to have shots in July...that is sure to be a fun day. :( Peyton continued to worry about Tate after we got home. He was worried about his bandaids and if his legs had holes in them. He asked me again this morning if Tate was going to be ok.

I love having two boys that can always be brothers. How sweet to have someone to always look over you and protect you. Peyton is a great big brother.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks to Grandma Mary for sending pics from the weekend!

Uncle Joey and Tate just hanging out...

Uncle Joey letting Tate do just about anything...including pulling at his eyebrows!

Grandma Mary and Tate

Proud Tate after getting into the dishwasher....

Ben and I left Grandma and Uncle Joey in charge for about 30 minutes and here's what happened...a new way to bathe our children? LOL Tate was so proud of himself! He is all over the place!

Being a mom of two...

Tate is one! What a big year. I always thought that when people said things would be different for your second child than the first that they were crazy. I was sure I would be the same kind of mom for Tate as I was for Peyton. I was wrong. With Peyton I had time to do all sorts of things during nap time. I wrote in his baby book constantly about every little happening, had pictures developed as soon as they were taken, and read books to him and played with him constantly. I have to much as I have tried to be super mom...I am not! I have not written in Tate's baby book like I should have, I have not developed pictures since last June, and I have to admit, I have read far less books to Tate than Peyton. Does this make me a bad mom? I am not sure...however, I do know that both boys are very happy and very loved. On the flip side of the things I have not done for Tate, there is a list a lot longer of the things I have. I have breastfed him for a year! I have spent hours playing with both of my boys and teaching them how to interact nicely with eachother. I have tried to let go of my anal side and of the things that really don't matter and just enjoy the time we are spending in the moment. Maybe my guilt for not being the mom I wanted to be for Tate is making me feel I need to justify the mom I actually am....I am not totally sure. Looking back, I guess it is pretty amazing we made it through this year...

Tate's actual birthday was spent doing his regular routine at night. We had the assistant coaches and graduate assistants out to celebrate with us...they are all single and are really fun to have around. (Hopefully they will get wives at some point, so i will have a few girl friends to hang out with!) Being the mom of the year I am...(or not) I tried to make the delicious cupcakes I used to make with my highschool leadership group...however, in the hustle and rush to get them finished...I accidentally put too much salt in the filling. (YUCK). Thankfully, Ben tried one of them before I served them to the coaches. He picked up some Hy-Vee cupcakes and we were ready to roll. UNTIL Tate fell asleep at 6:00 and didn't wake up the rest of the night. I have to admit...I mom wants to ruin their child's first birthday.

We spent this weekend with mary and Joey and tried celebration II. This one went much better. Peyton helped open all of the presents and we found that Tate really doesn't like cake anyway... Tate got a new swing set from us and Grandma Mary, a bubble blower, clothes, and pajamas. The boys both have a Hawkeye jersey now, so maybe one day when I actually take the pictures off the camera, I will post them wearing them!

We are going to have one final birthday party this weekend at home with my side of the family. HOpefully, I will have a successful story to share...

In the end...being a mom of two is a wonderful, busy, crazy life...I wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tate is one tomorrow!

Where did the year go? I can't believe a year ago today, Ben and I were walking all over Emporia trying to enduce labor! After three miles, a short break, three more miles and two shots of castor oil...labor did start! I remember praying that Ben would be with me when I needed to go to the hospital...I am so glad he was! We arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm and Baby Tate arrived the following morning. We were so lucky to have had all of the support we had during this time. My mom was staying with us and we didn't have to worry about what to do with Peyton. Ben's mom came and stayed with me during Tate's first night at "home" and throughout our first week with Tate in Emporia. The events that happened right after having Tate were such a whirlwind...I would never have imagined I would be hauling my innocent little baby to Applebees when he was five days old so we could show our house. I never thought I would haul him to Maryville so I could interview for a new job or that I would pack up our entire house and move all of the contents to storage and live with my parents when he was less than two weeks old. I never thought I would have to live without my husband during the first two months of Tate's life...but somehow, we survived it all!

Despite all of the crazy...Tate has had a great first year...he is a very happy and loving little guy who has learned to go with the flow and be content wherever he is. He recently had tubes put in his ears and seems back to his happy little self. I am still in awe of the doctor who put the tubes in Tate's ears in less than six minutes. I worried and worried about the procedure and it was over before I knew it!

Overall, I am still feeling so blessed to have two beautiful little boys in my life. Peyton and Tate are two of the best things that have ever happened to me. I cannot wait to continue to watch them grow up and play together. This summer is sure to be a blast!