Sunday, April 10, 2011

Has it really been six months....

I can't believe the last time I posted it was September!  I think it is clear just how busy we are during the season.  Luckily...all but recruiting is left.  Signing day is coming soon...and I can't wait!  We do get to see Ben a lot more now, but there are several weekends coming up with recruits already scheduled to come.  I hope everyone he is wanting to come will sign themselves up!

The boys are growing like crazy.  Peyton's 4th birthday in January was a great day and Tate will be 2 very soon!  It is hard to believe that we have been in Maryville for 2 years.  It is finally starting to feel like we belong here...which is wonderful.

Having two little guys means lots of fun outside when the weather is nice.  Peyton and Tate LOVE to be out as much as possible.  They got a John Deere Gator from Santa for Christmas and absolutely love riding it on our road in our development.  We have lots of little boys in the neighborhood to play with as well.  It seems like there is always someone outside to play with.  I love seeing Peyton's little friendships develop.  He will have so much fun in preschool. His preschool picnic is this it will be neat for him to be able to check things out.  Since Peyton is going to preschool next year, we thought it would be best for Tate to do something new as well.  Tate will be going to a fabulous new in home daycare.  I have had my name on her waiting list for 2 years...and he is in!  I can't wait for him to have some new opportunities with friends and other toys.  I think he will have a blast....hopefully the transition will go smoothly! 

This weekend, we planted our garden...well...actually Ben planted, while I gave rides on the lawn  mower...haha.  P and T are huge John Deere fans...and since we were working with things from our downstairs garage...they saw the mower.  Peyton was good with planting for about five minutes and then told Ben he wasn't sure he liked that job.  I think the garden will be much more fun when things start sprouting!  Today is very (annoyingly) windy.  We were going to plant our strawberries, but I think it will wait until we won't get dirt blown into our eyes. 

I am going to post some pictures from our most recent photo shoot...and do a much better job of updating this!!!

1 comment:

Karijane said...

So glad you're back to the blogging world! Your boys are getting so big...what a fun summer you will have! I signed my girls up for preschool this week and hoping to solidify an inhome place for the fall for Mylie. Keep us updated!!