Monday, July 19, 2010

We had a very busy weekend at the McCollum house. ON Friday, we went to the Nodaway County Fair right here in downtown Maryville....we actually only went so Peyton and Tate could ride on some rides. They had a blast and poor Tate did NOT want to get off the boats...he was frantically signing more...and signing finished when I picked him was like he just wanted to scream..."NO Mom! Put me back in there! I am finished with you...I want MORE boats!" Peyton got to go on a few more rides than his brother and had a very good time.

We stopped by my classroom on the way to the carnival so Ben and boys could check out all of the hard work i have been doing...I am switching rooms this year because I am one of the 5 first grade sections that they will always have. Last year, we had to have 6 sections because of the size of the class...this year, we will be back to 5 sections and thankfully one of the former first grade teachers is going to stay at home with her children so I get to take her spot. If she hadn't decided to stay home, I would have been teaching 4th grade. Last week, our nanny Natalie came for two afternoons and I went up to work. There was a lot of organizing to do and a lot of dust to clear...I am happy with my progress so far, but there is still a lot I would like to do. The good thing is that I have some time...and now I won't feel so overwhelmed when it is back to school time.

After the carnival, we decided to take Peyton to Wal-Mart to pick out his very first big boy bike. I will be posting pictures of it very soon. He looks so big on it! He has been riding very carefully around the driveway and a little on our road. We need to take it to the college and ride there because the sidewalks are better and he would actually have some room to ride! I sent a picture of Peyton on his bike from my phone to my parents and Mary and my dad says that he will continue to get bigger and time will continue to go faster and before I know it he will be driving a car. I am NOT ready for that!!!

On Saturday, our neighbor, Neil Elliott, and his boys were heading to Mozingo Lake with their boat and asked if we would like to join them. We did and had a wonderful time with them! Peyton went tubing for the first time and did very well! We anchored the boat and enjoyed a little swim time in the water. This could have been Peyton's favorite thing to do as he jumped into the water to Ben about a million times. Tate and I stayed in the boat...the ride put him right to sleep...and when he woke up, he was more interested in watching and having a few snacks. It was a fun afternoon!

I love our weekends and time we spend as a family. It is so fun to play together and enjoy whatever activity we are doing. I am very lucky to have such a great family...two awesome little boys and a wonderful husband. Life is good! :)

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