Saturday, November 1, 2008


Last night was Halloween. Peyton had a bad cold and we weren't sure if he would wear his costume or not so we did not ask him about going trick-or-treating. That is, until we had our first trick-or-treaters come to our door. Then, Peyton got VERY interested in the whole concept of going door to door to get candy. We put his costume on and headed down our block. The Donald Duck head only lasted one house, but Peyton made it down our whole block and even got pretty good at saying, "thank you," to everyone who gave him candy. He was so proud walking down the street, holding his pumpkin candy bucket in one hand and Daddy's hand in the other.
Needless to say, it was a fun 30 minutes!

His cold is about the same today...his nose is really stuffy and runny so he finds that pretty annoying. We had a nice restful day of movies and books. We got some fresh air by going on a walk with the stroller and then went to bed early. I am hoping he can get some good rest tonight and that he will feel like his old self tomorrow.

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