Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Trip to the Zoo!

This weekend, Grandma Mary and Uncle Joey came down to visit. We had so much fun with them. On Saturday, Grandma, Peyton and I went to the Wichita Zoo. We loved the giraffes, elephants, and zebras the most. The giraffes were eating leaves off trees RIGHT beside us! It was so fun to watch them. We also got to watch the zoo trainers give one of the elephants a bath and train it. We were very close to the action! The gorillas and monkeys were not our favorites because they kept getting angry and coming up to the glass and hitting it! YIKES! Grandma and I were more scared than Peyton, but either way, we decided to stand back! Check out our pictures!

While Grandma was here we also celebrated her birthday, which is this Friday on Halloween! To celebrate Ben and Peyton picked out a jack-o-lantern Dairy Queen cake. It was delicious! Peyton loved the gel frosting on top and was feeding it to himself and to Grandma, while saying mmmmmmm!
Peyton loves playing with Uncle Joey. He thinks he is the coolest guy ever. Peyton had such a fun weekend playing football and showing off all of his toys. He was lucky to have Grandma stay with him on Monday so he could rest up for the rest of this week! He was one tired little boy after all of the fun and excitement!

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