Monday, September 1, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma Visit!

This weekend, we had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Ackerman! They came on Friday night and stayed until today. Here are a couple pictures of Peyton and Grandpa. He loved reading his new "big truck" book and driving his John Deere through Grandpa's leg tunnel. While they were here, we also painted Peyton's room to make it more of a "big boy" place to be! Peyton still sleeps in his crib, but now, to switch the room, all we have to do is put in the big bed! Peyton also got to see his first football game on Saturday night with Grandpa and Daddy. Emporia State played in its home opener. On Sunday, we set up my old fish tank in my classroom. I am so excited for my students to see it tomorrow! They have been begging me since last year to get class fish.

I was sad when they is always hard to say good-bye to mom and dad. I really enjoyed our visit and the three day weekend! It will be hard for me to take Peyton back to the babysitter tomorrow - but at least it is only a four day week!

1 comment:

josherickson said...

Is that book Nick is reading him entitled "Federal Subsidies 101?" Or how about "How to shade your mailbox."