Sunday, September 21, 2008

Football Friday

This Friday night, Emporia High School had a game so after enjoying our Sacred Heart Taco Supper dinner, we headed to the game. Peyton was a HUGE fan and kept throwing his arms up and saying, "touchdown!" We only stayed until halftime and unfortunately EHS lost the game, but we enjoyed ourselves!

Saturday, Peyton was very tired from staying up later than normal and took a really long nap. Then we baked chocolate chip cookies...Ben taught Peyton how to dip them in milk and Peyton thought it was the best thing ever!

Today, we went to church and then came home and ate breakfast. Ben is painting the side of the house where we got some new siding. Last week when Ben's dad and Joey were here they primed it, but this week Ben does not have any help...he is almost finished though and it is a beautiful day! I am going to do some homework for my ESL class. Fun stuff!

Oh, and Thursday, we enjoyed a visit from the Barbers! Megan, Josh, Keatin and Crimson came to visit us from Ames! We were glad they could come and so happy to be able to meet Keatin for the first time. She is a sweetie and it was fun to hold a tiny baby again! Peyton was very nice to her and kissed her and tried to share his toys and snacks with her. The dogs had a great time playing too...Copper always loves a visit from her favorite pal!

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