Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Days...

Lucky me...I have had three snow days in a row! I have been a "stay at home" mom for three days in a row! YIPPEE!! The boys and I have had a lot of fun together. We baked cookies, played several hours of basketball and just enjoyed some relaxing! Ben had to leave for Ft. Hays State in Kansas on Monday night, so we were left here all alone. Thankfully we have some pretty wonderful neighbors who came to dig me out so I could get out of the garage if I needed to. Ben made it home early this morning around 4 am. All I can say is thank goodness he is no longer the bus driver! The roads are not great still!

The countdown to Christmas is on! Peyton is still hoping he gets a train table and a couple of new trains. However, when he isn't being a good listener...he tells me, "No train table, no Toby, no tell Santa."

1 comment:

Karijane said...

It has been great reading about all of your family's updates! I need to get updated email and phone number information from you....that's the main reason I haven't been able to contact you recently....all of that stuff was out-of-date! We will be in Rembrandt starting December 23 and be there for a few days. If you are going to be around, I would LOVE to see you. Now that you are settled in Maryville (as little closer to me) I would love to bring the girls down this summer to visit. Just imagine that playdate....four kids 3 and under!! Thinking of you often.