Saturday, January 10, 2009

24 weeks!

Here is Peyton holding Lucy again. He just can't get enough of his baby kitty. She is the most tolerant cat in the whole world. He holds her like this all of the time and kisses her. Then he carries her around the house and sings to her. Lucy also has a great time playing with Copper. She has really fit in well to our household! I am so excited that she no longer has front claws! I have many less scratches!!!!

Onto the pregnancy update. I decided not to shock everyone with a picture of the belly. Instead, here is a picture with sweater down. I am 24 weeks here and recently had another doctor's appointment. My belly continues to measure at least 2 cm bigger than the week I am on, so we may be looking at a big baby! I also had my blood glucose test and everything checked out great. I have been feeling more short of breath lately and just fat. When I went back to work on Monday everyone thought my belly looked a lot bigger! My new student teacher came on Friday to meet my students and one of my students said, "Mrs. McCollum, are you going to tell her..." when I asked tell her what, the student replied, "about the baby!" It was so funny because there is absoultely no way of hiding it at this point...I said to her... "I think she has probably figured that out already! :) It was hilarious. The kids are now giving me hugs and saying hi to the baby. They are pretty excited about it all.

Ben, Peyton and I had a fun family night last night. We went to the new Pizza Ranch and then to the high school basketball game to watch our family friend and Ben's newest Hornet play basketball. Pizza Ranch is just as delicious as I remember it and it is so nice to have a little taste of Iowa here in Emporia! Peyton loved the pizza and had two pieces! He also enjoyed the game...until half time when he said, "Bye bye ball."

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